
This is a simscan 1.2 thing. If you're using all the latest packages,
spam with 12+ settings would work just fine.

This is why I've not been working on mailfilter. I just plain don't
have the time to develop this feature right now.

Sorry. . .


On 10/8/06, Mattias Segerdahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Did this change in the 3.1.6 update, meaning that mailfilter is active
again? Because in the versions before that, even spam with 12+ didn't
get rejected.


Erik Espinoza wrote:
>> I find my qmailtoaster running well on my CentOS, Every spam are
>> re-marked
>> with ****SPAM****, and send a notification mail to senders and postmaster
>> about the spam e-mails they sent.
> That's odd. It shouldn't do that. It should send the mail to the
> reciever with the subject ***SPAM***. The only way it could do this is
> if you are running qmail-scanner
> (, which is an
> unsupported QmailToaster configuration.
> If you are using this, you'll probably have better luck e-mailing
> their mailing list for config details.
>> But could we set the these spam mail to be automatically deleted, and let
>> only postmaster received the notification? rather than the current
>> policies.
> Currently mail with a score of 5 - 11.9 gets the subject rewritten to
> ***SPAM*** and sent to the receiver.  12 and up gets rejected at the
> smtp server, and the sending smtp server is responsible for generating
> an error message to the sender (or in the case of the spammer, move on
> to the next victim).
>> Because when the qmailtoaster send the notification to the sender I found
>> that every sender of the spam  are nonexistent mailboxes, these will
>> waste
>> bandwidth at certain number notifications sent by the qmailtoaster.
> Which is why the QmailToaster doesn't do this.
> Erik
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