As far as i know, qmail will make differrent connection for every rcpt to and bounces will be made only for those that do not exist. My test was:

create one email like this:

recipient: some nonexisting account
bcc: existing account

mail will be delivered to existing account
bounce will be made for nonexisting account


----- Original Message ----- From: "Quinn Comendant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Can I switch something to reject unknown users at SMTP Connection?

I just did a quick test on my recent QT install. A message is rejected if _any_ of the recipients does not exist (I tested with one known existing, and one unknown).

2006-10-19 03:26:58.715665500 tcpserver: status: 1/100
2006-10-19 03:26:58.715673500 tcpserver: pid 1636 from
2006-10-19 03:26:58.715676500 tcpserver: ok 1636 : 2006-10-19 03:27:02.572451500 CHKUSER accepted sender: from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:> remote <lovemachine.local.localdomain:unknown:> rcpt <> : sender accepted 2006-10-19 03:27:02.656266500 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:> remote <lovemachine.local.localdomain:unknown:> rcpt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : found existing recipient 2006-10-19 03:27:02.730429500 CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:> remote <lovemachine.local.localdomain:unknown:> rcpt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : not existing recipient
2006-10-19 03:27:03.806642500 tcpserver: end 1636 status 0
2006-10-19 03:27:03.806650500 tcpserver: status: 0/100


On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:50:56 -0700, Eric "Shubes" wrote:
I used to think so too, but now I'm not so sure.

I'm wondering if it would be feasible to do what Jim's suggesting. What if
an email comes in with a valid address and an invalid address. You'd want
the valid address to be delivered, right? In that case, the message would
have to be accepted to the valid address, and bounced to the invalid one. I
think this may be why it's necessary to complete the smtp session even if
there is an invalid address. Just a though.

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