Jared Markell wrote:
> It usually syncs whenever you train it, by default.. You have to tell it
> otherwise when manually teaching it.

I haven't done any training yet other than using autolearn. That kicks in

> sa-learn --no-sync ..extra stuff here..
> As per dsanchez's comment.. unless you have 24 hours a day free to monitor a
> single server's usages, I wouldn't really suggest that. ;) I want an email
> server that I can leave alone and trust that it will stay working for more
> than at least a week without me baby sitting it. And, I got this server to
> be able to be that way - if I disable Bayes.

I agree 100%. I'd sure like to have it work reliably with these features
turned on though. I think that's an achievable objective.

> Jared 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric "Shubes" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4:02 PM
> To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] bayes getting corrupt
> For a low volume server, I've simply renamed the
> /home/vpopmail/.spamassassin folder and let it recreate the bayes database.
> I hope to have some time to fix things when it happens again (every 2-3
> weeks or so). I have saved the old .spamassassin folders though, so I can
> restore them for testing if/when necessary.
> I'd hate to try to diagnose this on a high volume server, but I have a low
> volume one that I could work with on a weekend, but it hasn't exhibited this
> behavior yet.
> Hey, I just noticed something. The server that's not having this problem
> shows # spamassassin -D bayes --lint [5499] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync:
> last sync: 1161812436 (among other stuff)
> On the server with the problem, I get:
> [6091] dbg: bayes: DB journal sync: last sync: 0 It apparently has never
> sync'd.
> Perhaps that's the problem. What is supposed to be doing the syncing? When
> is it supposed to happen?
>> Well it's time to monitoring cpu/mem before the problem gets worse, 
>> don't you think?
>>> Yeah, I forgot that part all right. The SA process (task) maxes out 
>>> the cpu for a while, then seems to go idle until the smtp session 
>>> times out. This creates a backlog that snowballs. Not quite so bad on 
>>> a small domain, but very severe with higher volumes.
>>> Jared Markell wrote:
>>>> You forgot about the part where things start to hang and your system 
>>>> tasks start to count in numbers.. and for me, at about 350+ tasks, 
>>>> performance degrades VERY badly, resulting in "user unknown" errors 
>>>> when users try to log in via pop3, or when connecting smtp servers 
>>>> try to deliver a message.
>>>> In a nutshell, Bayes getting corrupt = many many phone calls 
>>>> "Wtf?!?" to me :(
>>>> At any normal given point in time, my server should run at 140~ 
>>>> tasks at one time, so 300+ is bad. :)
>>>> That's when I started upping my max children to hopefully scan more 
>>>> emails at a time, but that actually worked against me, causing Bayes 
>>>> to get corrupt much faster and thus clog things up much faster.
>>>> Jared
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Eric "Shubes" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:25 PM
>>>> To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
>>>> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] bayes getting corrupt
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> BTW What is the effect of your corruption?
>>>> Message:
>>>> 2006-10-18 23:18:40.093043500 [30369] warn: bayes: cannot open bayes 
>>>> databases /home/vpopmail/.spamassassin/bayes_* R/W: lock failed: 
>>>> File exists
>>>> appears repeatedly in spamd log. The message is accepted ok 
>>>> (received in recipient's inbox), but the SMTP session terminates 
>>>> abnormally so the sending server resends the message, resulting in
> duplicates.
>>>> That's pretty much all I've determined at this point. Suggestions?
>>>>> I do sa-learn --sync once per hour and haven't any problem (yet? 
>>>>> :-P )
>>>>>> Would this be a good reason to use the MySQL Bayes storage engine?
>>>>>> Q
>>>>>> On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:45:31 -0700, Eric "Shubes" wrote:
>>>>>>> Jared Markell wrote:
>>>>>>>> Does anyone else have the problem of the Bayes database getting 
>>>>>>>> corrupt very often? My database has problems quite frequently, I 
>>>>>>>> usually have to delete the .spamassassin folder once every 3 
>>>>>>>> days, and the only way to keep the server stable is just to 
>>>>>>>> disable Bayes checking all together.
>>>>>>>> However, Bayes helps a lot and I would like to keep it if I 
>>>>>>>> could trust it not to corrupt and clog up the email server.
>>>>>>>> Anyone else have these problems and/or have a solution?
>>>>>>>> *Jared *
>>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>> I have this problem too. I've been renaming .spamassassin when it 
>>>>>>> starts happening, so I have the old files to do some diagnostics 
>>>>>>> with. I simply haven't gotten around to it, but would like very 
>>>>>>> much to
>>>> get it fixed.
>>>>>>> It seems to be ok until the point where tokens are due to expire.
>>>>>>> I'm guessing that the expiration process has a problem, but don't 
>>>>>>> rightly know.
>>>>>>> Any cdb gurus here, or does anyone know of a fix in this area?
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> -Eric 'shubes'
>>> --
>>> -Eric 'shubes'

-Eric 'shubes'

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