> http://www.lifewithdjbdns.com/#dnscache
> "It is _only_ a recursive resolver; unlike BIND it never returns
> authoritative data, and it never returns data that was not retrieved
> directly from an authoritative nameserver, whose authority it had
> proven by tracing the chain of NS delegations from its configured
> roots."

BTW is accurate as an introduction, but is not telling you can't forward.

Forwarding means being a "cache of a cache", and dnscache has this

Seems to me that if dnscache can only return authoritative data by
tracing the chain of NS delegations from it's roots, then it can't
ever be a cache of a cache. The upstream servers should always return
"not authoritative" and point further upstream or to the roots.

If this isn't the behavior that djbdns does, then the documentation is
just wrong. Thanks for the link you provided, I will use that next
time I think there is a problem relating to DNS and the user claims to
be using djbdns.


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