OK, thanks~

On 11/12/06, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Eric "Shubes" wrote:
Eric "Shubes" wrote:
Jake Vickers wrote:
Yi-Lei Wu wrote:
Hi list,

After I installed thsoe spam rules I started not getting some emails
from valid clients, is there a way or script to uninstall those spam
rules installed by Qmailtoaster-Plus? Or to remove Qmailtoaster-Plus

Which ruleset did you install? Removing the package won't restore your
blacklists either way. It did however create a backup of your old
blacklists file, renamed to include the date. this is located in the
same directory as your other blacklists file.

In addition, there is a qtp-menu item for setting rbls to the default
(original) blacklist settings.

I don't know about rules-du-jour. Perhaps qtp should have a backup/restore
capability for spamassassin rules. What would people like?

I meant to add that you might try uninstalling spamassassin-tosater (with
nodeps) and reinstalling it. I don't know if that would clear rdj or not though.

Just delete the extra rules in your /etc/mail/spamassassin dir to get rid of the rules-du-jour rules that were downloaded. Then just remove the rules_du_jour cron job from /etc/cron.daily and it will be completely out of your system.
I think what happened is he installed the blacklists, and one of them (probably from the aggressive model) is blocking some of his clients. Spamcop is known to block whole subnets, especially dial up IPs.

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