Hi Eric,
If it is not too much trouble, would you give me more hint about which part I can tap to the system and get a copy of all emails?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

On 11/13/06, Eric Shubes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Perhaps you could use the 'tee' command somewhere along the process to
create a backup copy. I haven't thought this through, but I know that 'tee'
can be handy for splitting off copies.

Bill Kwok wrote:
> Actually, I've tried to use scripts to filter emails for a user after
> she's lost all her email in her computer.  As I've mentioned before, if
> the user is in the bcc list, we may not be able to find any info of this
> user from the email header.  My script has to go through the send log in
> order to find out which email the user should has received and who's the
> sender.  Then by comparing the time stamp and the sender of emails, I
> can locate the email.
> My worry is that the possibility of getting wrong email is still high.
> For example, if a sender sent multiple emails, with different
> sizes, within short period of time, will the send log record emails in
> way which is different from the time stamp of the email files?
> Would anyone show me a better way to filter out the emails?
> Best regards,
> Bill
> On 11/13/06, *[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* <
>     > Dear all,
>     >
>     > I use the following line in taps to backup all incoming / outgoing
>     emails
>     > of
>     > my.domain.com <http://my.domain.com/>:
>     >
>     > .*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     >
>     > My questions are:
>     >
>     >    1. Will it create an endless loop if, by any means, someone sends
>     >    email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>?
>     Don't know, test it!
>     >    2. Can I specify a directory, instead of a email ID, as the
>     >    destination, such as "([EMAIL PROTECTED]):/backup/$1" ?
>     I think you can't but you can allways make a an email account and
>     modify
>     it's .qmail for putting all the mail on a specific maildir or whatever
>     >    3. If I need to restore emails (both incoming and outgoing) for a
>     >    user, what's the best way to filter it out from the
>     backup?  Problem
>     > here is
>     >    that emails were forwarded to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  The
>     >    information of recipient will be lost if he/she was only in the
>     cc or
>     > bcc
>     >    list.
>     Tap is not thought exactly for backups and restores.
>     Is for archiving (say, monitoring, legal obligations, limited backup of
>     certain email etc)
>     I'm certainly sure that you can allways make scripts for finding
>     specific
>     e-mails, anyway.
>     >    4. If I can't use taps to backup / rstore my users' email in
>     that way,
>     >    is there any utility that I can use?
>     A plain old backup utility should work, tar for example.
>     I use amanda (http://www.amanda.org/) for network backups of whole racks
>     and works like a charm, but you can allways use a priopietary one like
>     Veritas BackupExec or something like that.
>     > Thanks in advance.
>     > Best regards,
>     > Bill
>     >

-Eric 'shubes'

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