I see now (I think). I'm not using Virtualmin.

Jeremy Runner wrote:
> I'm using Virtualmin to do web hosting.  It creates the httpd.conf as
> follows using suexec.
> <VirtualHost>
> SuexecUserGroup "#501" "#500"
> ServerName mydomain.com
> ServerAlias www.mydomain.com
> DocumentRoot /home/mydomain/public_html
> ErrorLog /home/mydomain/logs/error_log
> CustomLog /home/mydomain/logs/access_log common
> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/mydomain/cgi-bin/
> <Directory /home/mydomain/public_html>
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
> allow from all
> AllowOverride All
> </Directory>
> <Directory /home/mydomain/cgi-bin>
> allow from all
> </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> All scripts must reside in /home/{somedomain}.

Why is that? I'd be inclined to put them in
/home/vpopmail/domains/{somedomain}/ (but what do I know?).

Is there any way to get virtualmin (or whatever it is that requires it) to
require /home/vpopmail/domains/{somedomain} instead of simply

What does your /etc/httpd/conf/toaster.conf say? Shouldn't they all pick
this up and run the scripts from /usr/share/toaster/htdocs/scripts/ ?

I don't know apache very well (or virtualmin at all), so take this with a
grain of salt. Just trying to stir some ideas.

> If I put the scripts in
> a folder belonging to that domain, only that domain will be able to use
> it.  I would like to be able to run the qmailadmin scripts from all
> domains but I haven't figured out how to make it work yet with suexec.
-Eric 'shubes'

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