Hi Bill, 
I was reviewing my logs, and I get a few rsync errors, but it's normally
file does not exist anymore.  These can be ignored as the mail has been
retrieved and removed from the primary server during or just before
replication does the actual transfer.  Since the file would be removed from
the backup anyway, these can be ignored.
In your previous errors, the MY.DOMAIN errors were due to "No such file or
directory"  My .spamassassin folder never replicates, it must have something
to do with bayes, as with mine it's the bayes tokens that don't replicate
across.  For me this isn't a big deal so I ignore it.
Copy your log file out for me, and then run qmail-replicate and then send me
the log file, so I can see the whole event, and then track it.  It would
appear that some replication is taking place, so largely it is working, but
I need to review the log to see exactly what it is doing.  You can test it,
by creating a dummy user, then after replication check the backup server to
see if the dummy user was created and the details are correct.
/home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo dummuser and see what happens.  
So I take it that now that the script was changed to f6 it runs without
error now?
Getting there slowly. :-)



From: Bill Kwok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 November 2006 16:07
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Problem in using "Failover replication Setup"

Hi Craig,
I am still having problem. :(  Pls see below for the result I got.
Best regards,

On 11/27/06, Craig Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        Hi bill,
        Will try and find the rsync errors I saw when I was testing all of
        The part of the script you commented out controls the size of the
        but since 20Mb is rather large it takes time to run, so it can mange
        it. Your script runs fine on my system.
        However I suspect the problem lies in the size variable.  the ls
listing in
        centos is probably different to fedora.  Run the below command and
see which 
        field it is displaying.  Is should be the size portion, but it may
not be.
        Increment or decrese the 5 until you get the correct result, and
edit your
        script accordingly.  However you can manage without that if you want
        manually rotate your logs.
        ls -l  $LOG|cut -d ' ' -f 5

I have to adjust to -f 6 in order to get the file size.  :)

        As for the rsync errors, the errors relating to MY.DOMAIN are normal
if your
        mail is being deleted from the server as people check.  It will be
down to 
        the script running after a file was there, and during the run was
        What happens if you run /unison/unison -force / -batch qmail and
then run it
        again straight after it completes, are the errors identical or do
        differ or go away?

The error is same as before. 


        It may be that you need to reset the unison database.  To do that on
        servers do the following.
        cd /root/.unison.
        If you do ll you will see something similar to
        arb35cf206e53266f6ceb48d38f9f6c049.  That is the database, if you
delete or
        rename those on both servers and then run the command it will
repopulate the 
        data it is working with.  Try that and let me know.

I rename the name of databases and then run qmail-replicatec again.  But I
get the same error:

        Synchronization incomplete  (1 item transferred, 0 skipped, 2
          failed: home/vpopmail/.spamassassin
          failed: home/vpopmail/domains/MY.DOMAIN.COM
        Deleting lock file 

Since it can transfer 1 file, can I assume unison should be working?


        P.S.  If you do sort out the size variable on your system could you
leave a
        comment on the wiki, or let me know the details so I can leave a
note for 
        other centos users.  Also did you notice I took the backup server
        script out of cron, as it isn't really necessary and should be run
        in the case of a switch over.  However I would recommend, that you
test your 
        backup server on a regular basis to make sure it is working and you
        logon. Run the qmail-replicateb script and then verify.
        I normally activate the backup server, and change my account to
point to it,
        and make sure I can authenticate.  I also do
        randomn users and confirm their details.
        Hope that helps.  Let me know what unison says after a clearout.
        From: Bill Kwok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Sent: 27 November 2006 10:41
        To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
        Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Problem in using "Failover replication
        After commenting out 68-72 lines, the script no longer shows error
        but the same error still exists in unionlog.full file:
        Synchronization incomplete  (9 items transferred, 0 skipped, 2
        failed: home/vpopmail/.spamassassin
        failed: home/vpopmail/domains/MY.DOMAIN.COM 
        Deleting lock file
        Pls find the attached qmail-replicatec.  Thanks.
        Best regards,
        On 11/27/06, Craig Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
               Hi Bill,
               It's no problem, I hope I can help get it sorted and that it
        as well for you as it does for me.  Does the error you get still
reflect the
        same line now that you've recopied the script? 
               the unison run seems to be running.  I see 2 failures and I
        remember at this point what they indicate, but I have seen them
               If the script error is still on the same line, can you
comment out 
        the section you pasted and let me know what it says then.  So add #
in front
        of each line from 61 to 65.
               It is probably something that centos expects that fedora
        I've not worked with centos before.  Jake or Eric, do you guys know
        Centos handles shell script slightly differently?
               Also bill could you attach the script from your server, so I
can run
        your exact script on my server and see what happens?
               From: Bill Kwok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
               Sent: 25 November 2006 07:07
               To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
               Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Problem in using "Failover
                       Hi Craig,
               Thanks a lot for helping me fix this problem.  I got the
error again 
        even though after I've copied the souce code from website again.
Here's my
        lines 61-65 (or 68-73 in the new script):
               if [ $size -gt 20000000 ];then
               echo "this is bigger than 20MB, moving">>$LOG 
               mv $LOG $LOGSAVE
               echo "" >$LOG
               If I run the command  '/unison/unison -force / -batch qmail',
I got
        the following output:
               local        : unchanged file     modified on 2006-11-23 at
        size 1689      rw-r--r--
               BACKUP.h... : changed file       modified on 2006-11-24 at
        size 1689      rw-r--r--
               Propagating updates 
               UNISON started propagating changes at 14:40:39 on 25 Nov 2006
               [BGN] Updating file var/qmail/control/dh1024.pem
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Updating file var/qmail/control/dh512.pem 
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Updating file var/qmail/control/rsa512.pem
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Copying home/vpopmail/.spamassassin 
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Copying properties for home/vpopmail/domains
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Copying home/vpopmail/domains/.overquota.msg 
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Copying home/vpopmail/domains/.quotawarn.msg
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Copying home/vpopmail/domains/MY.DOMAIN.COM 
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Updating file unison/mysql.dump/vpopmail
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Updating file var/qmail/control/badloadertypes 
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Updating file var/qmail/control/badloadertypes.cdb
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [BGN] Updating file var/qmail/control/servercert.pem.rpmnew 
                 from /
                 to //BACKUP.MY.DOMAIN.COM//
               [END] Copying properties for home/vpopmail/domains
               [END] Updating file var/qmail/control/dh1024.pem
               [END] Updating file var/qmail/control/dh512.pem 
               [END] Updating file var/qmail/control/rsa512.pem
               [END] Copying home/vpopmail/domains/.overquota.msg
               [END] Copying home/vpopmail/domains/.quotawarn.msg
               [END] Updating file unison/mysql.dump/vpopmail 
               [END] Updating file var/qmail/control/badloadertypes
               [END] Updating file var/qmail/control/badloadertypes.cdb
               [END] Updating file var/qmail/control/servercert.pem.rpmnew
               Failed: Aborted 
                15%  07:54 ETAFailed [home/vpopmail/.spamassassin]: Aborted
               Failed: Error in rsync sender:
        Y.DOMAIN.COM,S=4733:2,: No such file or directory
                15%  07:54 ETAFailed [home/vpopmail/domains/MY.DOMAIN.COM]:
        in rsync sender:

        Y.DOMAIN.COM,S=4733:2,: No such file or directory
               UNISON finished propagating changes at 14:42:10 on 25 Nov
               Saving synchronizer state
               Synchronization incomplete  (10 items transferred, 0 skipped,
                 failed: home/vpopmail/.spamassassin
                 failed: home/vpopmail/domains/MY.DOMAIN.COM
                       Thanks again for your help and sorry to bother you
while you
        are busy.
               Best regards,
               On 11/25/06, Craig Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                       As a follow up, I did a direct copy of the text from
        wiki into a test file, I ran sh testfile and it ran fine.  Assuming
that the
        unison application and the qmail.prf file is in place, it should run
                       Try running the unison command manually and let me
know what 
                       /unison/unison -force / -batch qmail
                       Did you skip anything in the process or run into
        during it?  It may be something that centos doesn't like that fedora
        care about, but I can't say as I've never used centos.
                       Try recopying, the script and let me know what
                       From: Craig Smith [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Sent: 24 November 2006 16:15
                       To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
                       Subject: RE: [qmailtoaster] Problem in using
        replication Setup"
                                       Hi Ben,
                       If you vi qmail-replicatec and do :61 what do you
get?  It 
        may just be something that copied from the site.  In terms of setup,
on the
        backup server you don't need to create anything, just have QMT
installed and
        working.  The replication script will replicate all folders, users,
        files and mysql data to populate the backup folder.  The fact that
you are
        getting an error in the script means there is something wrong on
line 61.
                       On my line 61 there is an open line with nothing. 
                       I will copy the one from the wiki and run it to see
what I
                       As for the file, it fails during transfer which is
why it is
                       Let me see what happens if I copy and paste directly
        the wiki.
                       Also I've just made a minor change to the
        file by adding a lock file process, as mine went a bit nuts last
        Also I've removed the qmail-replicateb from cron as this only really
        to be run if you switch to the backup.
                       Sorry for the slow reply been mad busy.
                       From: Bill Kwok [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Sent: 23 November 2006 09:30
                       To: qmailtoaster-list
                       Subject: [qmailtoaster] Problem in using "Failover 
        replication Setup"
                       Hi all,
                       I am trying to setup a setup for failover.  Both
        are running CentOS 4.2.  I've just installed qt to my backup server,
but no
        domains and users were setup.
                       I am having problem in synchronizing them.  When I
run the
        qmail-replicatec, I got the following error:
                               [EMAIL PROTECTED] unison]# ./qmail-replicatec 
                               ./qmail-replicatec: line 61: [: root: integer
        expression expected
                       In the unisonlog.full, some error message such as the
        following are logged:
                               Failed: The file 
                               has been modified during synchronization:
                                 2%  04:06 ETAFailed
        The file /home/vpopmail/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist 
                               has been modified during synchronization:
                               Failed: The file
                               has been modified during synchronization:
                                 2%  04:06 ETAFailed
[home/vpopmail/domains]: The
        file /home/vpopmail/domains/my.domain.com/userA/Maildir/maildirsize
                               has been modified during synchronization:
                               UNISON finished propagating changes at
17:04:14 on
        23 Nov 2006
                               Saving synchronizer state
                               Synchronization incomplete  (1 item
transferred, 0 
        skipped, 2 failures)
                                 failed: home/vpopmail/.spamassassin
                                 failed: home/vpopmail/domains
                       Then I found that there's no file copied to
                       Am I in a wrong sequence of installation?  Do I need
        create all domains and users in backup server before synchronizating
                       Thanks in advance.
                       Best regards, 
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