Alexey Loukianov wrote:
> Greetings, Eric.
> On 19 ??????? 2006 ?., 22:59:01 you wrote:
>> Dan Herbon wrote:
>>> So it is safe to remove all signs of DK in the tcp.smtp file?
>> Yes. You might want to keep DKSIGN for signing outgoing email if you've set
>> up DK properly (generated key key and modified DNS appropriately).
> DKSIGN wouldn't work if you disabled DK using the instructions I
> originally posted in this mailing-list. Signing is done in qmail-dk,
> so you will need to have symlink qmail-queue to it from for signing to work.
> ATM qmail-dk bundled with QT causes problems with message delivery
> for some users, it's better to disable DK support and wait for fixed
> qmail-dk to appear in newer QT RPM releases (or try to use the patch I
> posted earlier to this list to fix qmail-dk). It's safe to keep
> DK-related stuff in tcprules file, as it'll free you from fetching
> docs later and re-creating this values back by hand.
Thanks for clearing this up, Alexey. I hope that EE can get your patches
into a devel release soon.

-Eric 'shubes'

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