
Both must be enclosed in quotation marks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Quillen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 21 December 2006 8:00 a.m.
Subject: Re: Re[4]: [qmailtoaster] Can anyone

On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 10:35 -0800, Vince Callaway wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 13:17 -0500, Kyle Quillen wrote:
> > So i am correct in stating that I need to setup a record in dns for the
> > domain key.  Do I use the private key that is in
> > the /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/ or do I have to create a
> > public one.  Further more do I just insert this in the zone config or do
> > i need to create a seperate file.  
> This is one thing where the documentation falls down.  I had the same
> issue.
> Bottom line.  You need two TXT records in your DNS.
> The first will be an entry for _domainkey in your zone.  It
> tells the other mail servers what your domainkey policy is.  Mine
> contains "o=-\; [EMAIL PROTECTED]" The o means the domain
> signs all email and the r is the responsible party address.
> The second DNS entry is a text record containing your public key. If you
> followed the directions verbatim you should have a
> directory /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/  In that directory you
> will have two files.  One is called private the other is
>  The txt file is the public key to put in the DNS
> entry.  You will create an entry called private._domainkey with the TXT
> value in the file.  The reason it is called private is because that is
> the name on your private key.
> If you send out mail under other domain names you will need to create a
> directory and key under domainkeys for each domain you handle.  Took me
> a couple of minutes to figure that one out.

Ok I think I have this figured out now would just like to know for sure
before i go entering into my dns zone files 

my txt records would look like this

_domainkey      IN      TXT     o=-\; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
private._domainkey IN TXT       "k=rsa;p=MEwwDQYJKoZI

Only the second line would be with the full key and the quotes closed?


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