On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 00:45:54 -0800, Erik Espinoza wrote:
> From the simscan readme:
> --enable-spamc-user=y|n
>   This option turns per-user spamassassin on or off.  When enabled, 
> the email
>   address of the first rcpt to user is sent to spamassassin.  This allows
>   spamassassin to use customized rules and settings for that email.

I've seen contrary info on this. From here:
it says:
     But if there is more than one recipient then which user
    perference should simscan set? The solution simscan uses is if
    there is more than one recipient and the --enable-spamc-user
    option is set, then it skips adding the -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] option
    to spamc.
Which seem to be how it behaves. If multiple recipients are detected, I think 
it just leaves it blank (as it says above) and spamd uses its process owner, 
clamav, which is what turns up in the logs -- about 10% of incoming emails have 
user=clamav. I wouldn't want simscan simply to take the first of multiple 
recipients and apply the prefs to all from that one -- that would be wrong!

> This will have side effects for users that have a global spamassassin
> config, as is the default in QmailToaster. Autolearn spam/ham tokens
> will be separated per user, instead of globally. In addition, it
> allows one users settings (the first rcpt) to affect an e-mail sent to
> many users.

My understanding is that user_scores_dsn, bayes_store_module, and 
auto_whitelist_factory configurations are independent of each other. In which 
case per-user bayes (Autolearn spam/ham tokens separated per user) will only be 

    When executing spamassassin by real users with real home directories each 
with their own bayes databases and you haven't specified a bayes_path in any 
*.cf files.
    When using MySQL as the bayes storage engine.
In other words turning on mysql-based userprefs does not also turn on 
mysql-based bayes.

Is that right?


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