Hey EE,
This appears to be a bug in the stock toaster.

courier-imap-toaster-4.1.1-1.3.2 has TLS_CACHEFILE=/var/run/couriersslcache
in /etc/courier/imap-ssl, imap-ssl.dist, pop3d-ssl, pop3d-ssl.dist files.

I upgraded to courier-imap-toaster-4.1.1-1.3.4, and now these files contain:
# grep TLS_CACHEFILE /etc/courier/*
/etc/courier/imapd-ssl:# that open multiple SSL sessions to the server.
/etc/courier/imapd-ssl:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@/couriersslcache
/etc/courier/imapd-ssl.dist:# that open multiple SSL sessions to the server.
/etc/courier/pop3d-ssl:# POP3 clients. TLS_CACHEFILE will be automatically
/etc/courier/pop3d-ssl:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@/couriersslcache
/etc/courier/pop3d-ssl.dist:# POP3 clients. TLS_CACHEFILE will be
automatically created, TLS_CACHESIZE

What is @[EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it some sort of variable, or does it need to be
replaced with /var/run like the previous version?

Quinn Comendant wrote:
> I'm getting this error in my pop3d-ssl and imap4-ssl logs:
>       2007-01-06 02:08:47.065522500 couriertls: 
> @localstatedir@/couriersslcache: No such file or directory
> I found this post from last July:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com/msg05625.html
> I discovered I could solve the issue by changing the TLS_CACHEFILE value in 
> /etc/courier/{pop3d-ssl,imap4-ssl} from:
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED]@/couriersslcache
> to:
>       TLS_CACHEFILE=/var/cache/couriersslcache
> And the /var/cache/couriersslcache created itself.
> I wonder if localstatedir doesn't work because this value needs to be 
> explicitly set on the configure option with --localstatedir=/var?
> Anybody else bothered by this error or found a different way to fix it?
> Extra bonus question: what is the relationship between imapd, imapd.cnf, and 
> imapd.dist in the /etc/courier directory (and same for pop3d)?
> Quinn

-Eric 'shubes'

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