Question is, why is the toaster at rejecting the message? I'm
not quite sure. A look at /var/log/qmail/smtp/current on the toaster should
tell. I'm curious to know exactly why the message is failing (I'm still
learning this stuff too!). In any case, the changes to tcp.smtp should give
a "green light" (open relay) for any session coming from the specified address.

I'd wager that the relay was denied because the internal machines
hostnames aren't resolve-able in DNS on the real Internet.

Suppose my public internet is and my internal
infrastructure runs on Since my public DNS
records don't have any A, MX or other entries for,
then the QmailToaster will reject e-mail coming from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] since it couldn't possibly be a real return

<shamelessplug>By the way, my blog is and
contains info on things going on with QmailToaster. :)</shamelessplug>


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