Alexey Loukianov wrote:
Greetings, Dan.

31 января 2007 г., 21:54:03 you have wrote:

Hello guys.

I've built a few toasters over the last year. I love the process, quick
and painless (at least till you need to modify spam settigns), anyway.
For the most part most people use a stock rpm based *nix and throw in
the toaster, which is what I do as well.  the only software I add is a
small program called denyhosts.  this thing is a real lifesaver.  Before
using it I was getting upwards of 4000 break in attempts through ssh.
now I'm down to a handful a day.  It's easy enough to install but maybe
you wanna think about including it?  I know this will be just 1 more
thing to support, but it seems my mail servers get hit much harder on
ssh then my other servers.  If not included maybe add it on the wiki, or
related product page. Just my 2 cents.

Don't think that it's worth including in QT, as a can barely see the
relation between normal administration tasks for server (like
preventing intrusion) and the maintenance of qmail toaster codebase.

Hadn't you tried to place your mail servers behind firewall/router
box in DMZ, and to restrict connections to SSH only for internal
subnet? Also, as a general measure, it is always wise to use other
that standard 22 port for SSH, and to permit root plain text passord
logins over it.
It looks like it could be useful for some. Maybe it'll make it's way into QTP. For now, I'd suggest creating a wiki page though, if you don't mind.

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