Aaron Spurlock wrote:
I am looking to find a way to list all of the users on my qmail toaster.
I currently use Maia Mailguard as my spam solution, and would like to be
able to have it query for the existence of a user on my qmail toaster
box to confirm whether or not to accept an email. My goal is to not have
to add individual users to my Mailguard box, but just have their
existence verified where they already exist!

I noticed that vpopmail stores all of the domains as separate tables in
MySQL and all of the users as just the first part of the email address
inside those tables.

Does anyone know of a way to do a query against the database for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for instance and have it work? It seems like you would
first need to query dir_control to see if the domain exists, and then
query that domain table to see if the user exists.

Mailguard uses postfix, and I hoped to stick the query into the
recipient check line, but I'm not sure this is the type of thing that
can be done with one query. I assume a script could be written that
would iterate through all of the tables and dump them to a file that
postfix could then use as a master list, but I'd like a cleaner
way...Thanks for any thoughts!

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a quick way to just list all users
/home/vpopmail/bin/vpopbull -nV

To check on a user get the error return code from the vuserinfo email_address


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