
Anyone can help me?

Paulo Sousa wrote:

I've jump out the company own's the domain.
And i want to continue have my email's accounts.
The other email account are for the comany that continue own's the domain.

I've already doing that

#  cp -pr /var/qmail /var/qmail2

And put that in the .qmail file

|/var/qmail2/bin/qmail-inject -A [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The result is not to pretty. When i send 1 email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i receive 3000 emails  on  the mailbox  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and the [EMAIL PROTECTED] do not receive the email.

Note: I send the test email from Gmail (Outside my servers)


Eric "Shubes" wrote:
I'm starting to get the picture (I think).

I'm wondering about one piece though:
* echo 'mydomain.com:name.of.other.server' > /var/qmail2/control/smtproutes
This will route (for the select 5, based on the user's .qmail file) the
message to name.of.other.server. I'm thinking that this sort of relay will
break SPF, so the 2nd server should not be checking SPF. SRS on the toaster
might fix this though, as I'm not familiar with SRS yet.

You won't be able to specify name.of.other.server by domain name, of course.
I presume that will be an IP address (that won't change). Yes?

I'm still also curious as to *why* these 5 accounts need to be on a separate
server, if you'd care to explain.

So to answer your question, I think that if you simply copy the qmail tree
to another branch and make the changes Adrian suggests, it will work. With
qmail down (and queues empty),
# cp -pr /var/qmail /var/qmail2
The only piece I think that's missing is the qmail-send daemon for qmail2.
You'll need to do a bit of tweaking to get a 2nd qmail-send running for the
second instance, but I think that's all you'd need. I could be missing
something here too.

Let us know how you make out.

Paulo Sousa wrote:
Hi Eric

My problem is simple, at this moment i must split a domain
i need to have 5 email account's in 2 servers at the same time.
When the first server (My Server) receive email for one of this
5 users, i want forward that email for other email server (not my server).

There is the link ->

Sorry for my bad english


Paulo Sousa

Eric "Shubes" escreveu:
Hey  Paulo,

I still don't understand what you're trying to accomplish. Maybe I'm just a
 bit thick headeded today.

Can you post (a link to) the whole thread with Adrian?

Paulo Sousa wrote:

I'm trying this solution:

>From Adrian Ho:

You need two qmail instances, but both can be on the same server:
* Setup and install a second qmail instance (say, rooted at /var/qmail2).
   The sole responsibility of this instance is to forward the mail to the
   other server, so don't set up qmail-smtpd/pop3d/etc.  Make sure
   mydomain.com is /not/ in /var/qmail2/control/{locals,virtualdomains}.
* echo 'mydomain.com:name.of.other.server' > /var/qmail2/control/smtproutes
* echo '|/var/qmail2/bin/qmail-inject -A [EMAIL PROTECTED]' > ~user1/.qmail
   (repeat as necessary for each user)

I only need redirect 5 email accounts in that domain


Paulo Sousa

Eric "Shubes" wrote:
Paulo Sousa wrote:

First, my name is Paulo and i'm a new member of this list.

I want to split a domain.
What is the problem you're trying to solve?

I can't imagine what the problem is, but I get the impression that doing
this won't solve it.

Even if this solved some problem, how would the thing know which users
belong to which instance?

Example: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> host =

              [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> host =

I've look around and i think that i need install a second instance of
qmailtoaster with the home /var/qmail2

What i need to do to install the second qmail home -> /var/qmail2 ??


Paulo Sousa



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