Steve Ingraham wrote:
Below is a message I have been receiving from the qmailtoaster-list-help
email for some time now.  Can someone explain what exactly is going on
and what I can look at to see why messages would be bouncing when sent
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I am receiving emails from the qmailtoaster
list on a daily basis so I don't understand why I would be continually
receiving messages that tell me that messages are bouncing.  Any help is

I get those messages from time to time (or used to). It's nothing to worry about, unless you start to see dozens of emails being bounced. You can follow the request directions in the email and request a copy of the email in question, but I think you'll see it's a spam message spoof.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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