Hey Fernando,

Yeah, my server is on a pseudo-static address. I finally got a delivery
failure message from my server. It took a while because the rejection is a
4xx (temporary) failure:
Remote host said: 451 Dynamic/Residential IP range listed by NJABL dynablock
- http://njabl.org/dynablock.html
Giving up on

Fernando Azevedo wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> In fact you (and others) have not received any replies from this tool... I've 
> just checked that :(
> The problem is that if I deliver the mail directly to your mail servers (as 
> I'd like to do) it get's rejected because this server is still in a dynamic 
> IP range - I will change it for a fixed IP subnet but only in 2-3 weeks 
> timeframe.

I get around that by using dyndns.org's mailhop service (on selected domains
via smtproutes). A static IP is definitely preferable though.

I've added the reflector's domain to my smtproutes and tested help again (so
you'll get my message now), but I won't get your reply until you fix your
end. :(

> I've tryed overcoming this problem by delivering these messages through my 
> ISP's SMTP server but then it get's blocked on my ISP's anti-virus...
> Nevertheless I'm still adding (and correcting) a few features and it will be 
> ready when I have the new IP subnet.
> I'll annouce it by then.

Sounds great, FA.

> Bets regards,
> Fernando
> ________________________________

-Eric 'shubes'

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