P.V.Anthony wrote:
> On this day, 01-February-2007 9:48 AM,  Erik Espinoza wrote:
>> Very basic greylisting available here:
>> http://www.kabewm.com/?p=19
>> I recommend against  greylisting in general as many spam appliances
>> and firewalls that people use as proxies for their Exchange server (or
>> other servers) do not handle error 4xx as temporary errors. Instead
>> they kick back an error to the user and reject all mail from those
>> sites. Sure they are not following the standard, but you're the one
>> that's going to hear about it and deal with troubleshooting sites with
>> little/no information.
> Just an update on the greylisting.
> I am using jgreylist from http://qmail.jms1.net/scripts/jgreylist.shtml.
> It works wonders. Usually I get 70 spam a day. Now I get 5 spam a day.
> You are right about some servers not following the standard. I will keep
> using this until there is some major complaint.
> So far I have been using greylisting for about a month.
> Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
> P.V.Anthony

Sounds good, PVA. Would you care to contribute a writeup on the wiki for
this? It'd make a nice entry under "Tips&Tricks". Don't worry too much about
making it pretty. Someone will probably come along later and clean things up. ;)

-Eric 'shubes'

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