Natalio Gatti wrote:
On 3/21/07, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Correct. The web interface has been broken for a while, but it's still
there to do some general things like seeing all domains, password, etc.
easily. Creating domains with it will cause sporadic issues.
It's normal - okay, not normal, but known about.
When you create the new domain via vqadmin, did you change the default
values of "accounts", "forwards" ... and such? If you leave it in "0",
then that's the problem.
You have to specify the estimated number of accounts, lists and such
so you can create them via qmailadmin.
Actually I've had issues doing it that way as well. I had a domain that no matter how I created it in the web page would always give me whacked out numbers when listed. If I deleted the domain and created one with a different name it would work okay. Just that particular domain (even when I created it AFTER the working fake-domain) always got insane values when created.

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