PakOgah wrote:
Is it possible to disable the rbl check
(/var/qmail/control/blacklists) for the mails coming from some
particular domains?

Get their IP addresses and add them to the tcp.smtp file and disable the
RBL checks there.

that maybe what I called a static whitelist by IP Address? is there a way
to add static whitelist by domain name???
like on badmailfrom file we can add a domain from sending it us email

suggestion ??
You can add a whitelist to your blacklists file (search the archives, it was posted a month or so ago). I don't think there is a way to disable by domain name though. You could add whole subnets to your tcp.smtp. Say your Verizon user was coming from, you could add it to the tcp.smtp by doing something like 72.14.:

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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