PakOgah wrote:
anyway didn't you realize, not SPAM are getting smarter ? they can get low
score <3
I think you set the score like that many SPAM will come to your users'

In my opinion tagged score = 3, quarantine score =5, cutoff score = 7
can you tell us the reason why you set the scores like that?

Sorry asking it again,
After I am using Spambox it's not like what I am expecting
I am expecting that all emails which tagged as SPAM and the score below 5
was sent to me. and only emails which has score >= 5 were quaratine on
SPAM folders

but what happen is all emails which tagged as SPAM were quaratine on SPAM
folders and all emails which score >=5 then learn by SA as spam

--- the mailfilter script ---
if(/^X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/:h)
        if($MATCH1 >= 5)
                cc "|sa-learn --spam"

I know it's just a logic, but my Bash Shell scripting is sucks can you
help me on modifying the script, so if X-Spam-Status: Yes and Score >= 5
it will dropped into SPAM Folder. may be like this one ??

if((/^X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/:h) && ($MATCH1 >= 5))
               cc "|sa-learn --spam"

You'd need to rewrite a portion of the script. It wasn't meant exactly for what you're looking to do. The mailfilter script is a little different than Bash scripting; look on the Internet for maildrop and mailfilter to see some additional scripts and how-tos.

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