I am running qmailtoaster on a hosted Centos server that has 5 IP addressed bound to the same NIC. I would like to run the qmailtoaster with the 2nd IP address configured in the alias eth0:0, call it (not the real addresss). Call the first IP address configured in eth0 I have DNS entries for the main IP address as the web server, so www.mydomain.com, and an MX entry for the second IP address for the mailserver at maildomain.com. That all seems to be working and I can send and receive emails.

The part I don't understand is that when an email is sent through this server the connection shows it coming from the first IP Address,, and the name is reconciled to www.mydomain.com. So when I look at the header information I do not see my mail server name and my SPF record configured in the mail server DNS is not recognized. What can I do to have it send from the second IP Address with the correct name resolution?


Ron Allison

    QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
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