
I corrected that message. It was the company_gr and company_net tables in 
vpopmail database that were still there...I drop them and now I created the 
domain.com normally.

This was for the .com, but now how should I create the other virtual domains to 
be alias of .com? 

The server full qualified name is mailhost2.company.com and not .net so I guess 
the alias is needed here if I want to use company.net users...


 --- On Wed 05/02,  < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

From:  [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com

Date: Wed,  2 May 2007 10:23:37 -0400 (EDT)

Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] rcpthosts fileIf

<br><br>My installation is QMT. I downloaded every last package from 
qmailtoaster.com and installed it but I have no tested yet vqadmin.<br><br>I 
removed the virtual domains, reboot and then tried to create the first one 
again but I had this extrange message that I hadn't the previous time:<br><br># 
/home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain company.com password<br>Entry is out of order: 
company.com.mailhost2<br><br>What is this now?<br><br>Marcos<br><br><br> --- On 
Wed 05/02, Benedict Claver < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:<br>From: Benedict 
Claver [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>To: 
qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com<br>Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 17:00:12 
+0300<br>Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] rcpthosts fileIf<br><br>If your 
installation is QMT, you can use the web interface<br>to do all that 
configuration, add or delete domain and users as well.<br>Have you tested 
that?. I hope you have Vqadmin-Toaster as one of installed 
<br>packages.<br><br>Benny<br><br><br>On Wednesday 02 
May 2007 12:53:10, Craig Smith wrote:<br>> Basically, all I did on mine is what 
you have done.<br>><br>> vadddomain -r domain.com   (-r random 
password)<br>><br>> That's all that you need to do, then<br>><br>> vadduser -r 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>><br>> and send mail to that user.<br>><br>> If it fails 
and causes problems at this point, then qmail installation may<br>> be corrupt 
or it has something to do with FC6, but only uninstalling QMT<br>> and then 
starting QMT over will help you with that.  I can say on FC5 the<br>> above 
steps work fine.  QMT takes care of the assign, rcpthosts,<br>> virtualdomain 
etc entries.<br>><br>><br>><br>> -----Original Message-----<br>> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] <br>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>> Sent: 02 May 2007 14:56<br>> To: 
qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com<br>> Subject: RE: [qmailtoaster] rcpthosts 
file<br>><br>><br>>  Ok,  let's asume I delete the domains and start creating 
them again. How<br>> should I create the first, let's say default 
(.com), domain? I created all<br>> of them (.com,.net,.gr) before with 
vadddomain...  Warren: I'd like to<br>> check Centos but I really have no time 
to go back and start from<br>> scratch.The only solution right now is to go on 
with fedora core 6 and see<br>> if I can make it. Marcos       --- On Wed 
05/02, Craig Smith <<br>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: From: Craig Smith [mailto: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>> To:<br>> qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com Date: Wed, 2 
May 2007 14:35:05 +0100<br>> Subject: RE: [qmailtoaster] rcpthosts file  On my 
set up I never modified<br>> the assign file at all it was all done 
by<br>qmail.  It is possible that<br>> something in the assign file is 
incorrect, or<br>file <br>permissions/ownership<br>> have changed in which case 
it may be the cause of<br>the problem, but it's<br>> hard to say.<br><br>It 
sounds like it might be easier, to uninstall qmail<br>> and start 
from<br>scratch.  Get the one domain working fine first, then add<br>> the 
or<br>alias domains in one at a time testing each as you go<br>> along.  Only 
modify<br>files that you really need to and leave the rest up<br>> to 
qmail.<br><br><br> <br><br>-----Original Message-----<br>From:<br>> [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <br>Sent: 02 May 2007<br>> 14:32<br>To: 
qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com<br>Subject: RE:<br>> [qmailtoaster] 
rcpthosts file<br><br><br>Benedict: I think if I remove the<br>> rcpthosts file 
the server will act as an<br>open relay, right? Which is<br>> somethinng I 
don't want to do, of course:-)<br>(Correct me if I'm wrong)<br>> Craig,  When I 
tried<br>> to remove the vdomains with<br>vdeldomain I have this message:  
#<br>> <br>/home/vpopmail/bin/vdeldomain company.com<br>Warning: Alias domains 
exist:<br>> company.gr    company.net    use -f to<br>force delete of domain 
and all<br>> aliases  This remembers me that I had<br>modified manually 
the<br>> /var/qmail/users/assign file like<br>> 
I<br>thought I did this in order to have all users assigned to a single<br>> 
.com<br>domain but I don't think this would be the reason of the problem<br>> 
right?<br>Marcos     --- On Wed 05/02, Benedict Claver <<br>> [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]<br>><br>> > wrote:<br>From: Benedict Claver [mailto: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]<br>><br>> To:<br>qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com Date: Wed, 2 May 
2007 06:07:57<br>> -0700<br>(PDT) Subject: RE: [qmailtoaster] rcpthosts file  
Hi<br>> <br>Mark,<br><br>Something<br>seems not to be happening correctly 
as<br>> was<br>expected for the rcpthosts<br>file, though I have not<br>> 
yet<br>established. <br><br>As a temporary solution<br>to that you can<br>> 
remove or<br>rename the rcpthost file eg rcpthost.bak 
and<br>you will<br>be<br>> able to send and receive from any domain.<br>> 
It<br>worked<br>here.<br><br>Regards,<br>Benny<br><br><br>---<br>> <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]><br>wrote:<br><br>> <br>> <br>> Hi Craig,<br>> <br>> I<br>> send the 
messages from<br>this account on the<br>> internet,<br>> [EMAIL PROTECTED], to 
my company<br>mail<br>> server.<br>> <br>> The other<br>> message I receive 
from the mail<br>server is<br>> this:<br>> <br>> Hi. This<br>> is the 
qmail-send program at<br>><br>mailhost2.adacom.com. <br>> I'm afraid<br>> I 
wasn't able to deliver your message<br>to<br>> the following addresses.<br>> 
<br>> This is a permanent error; I've given<br>up. Sorry it<br>> didn't<br>> 
work out.<br>> <br>> <br><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:<br><br>> Sorry. Although<br>> I'm 
listed as a<br>> best-preference MX<br>> or A for that<br>host, <br><br>> it 
isn't in my<br>> control/locals file, so I don't treat<br>> it as 
local.<br>(#5.4.6)<br>><br>> <br>> <br>> I checked the /control/locals 
file and I had<br>the<br>><br>> following:<br>> <br>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
control]# cat<br>> locals<br>><br>localhost<br>> mailhost2.company.com<br>> 
<br>> Since I'm<br>> using virtual<br>domains and the account I<br>> try to 
reach is<br>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] I added this<br>new<br>> entry with .net hoping 
this would<br>> solve the problem:<br>> <br>><br>[EMAIL PROTECTED] control]# 
cat locals<br>><br>> localhost<br>><br>mailhost2.adacom.com<br>> 
mailhost2.adacom.net<br>> <br>><br>> <br>> I tried<br>again but had exactly the 
same error message<br>> again<br>> <br>> <br>> I have a<br>look at the 
/var/log/qmail/smtp/current and<br>><br>> found this:<br>> 
<br>><br>@4000000046387ccf33b718fc CHKUSER accepted<br>> <br>sender:<br>> 
from<br><[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote<br>><br>> 
<excite.com:unknown:> rcpt<br><> : sender<br>> accepted<br>><br>> 
@4000000046387ccf33c71aa4 CHKUSER accepted<br>rcpt:<br>> from<br>> <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]::> remote<br>> 
<br><excite.com:unknown:><br>> rcpt<br>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
:<br>found existing<br>><br>> recipient<br>><br>> 
PROTECTED]:<br<br>>><br>><br>> > @4000000046387cd00a5aeeac<br>tcpserver: end 
3709 status<br>> 0<br>><br>><br>> @4000000046387cd00a5b40b4 
tcpserver:<br>status: 0/100<br>> <br>> <br>><br>> Nothing more...<br>> <br>> 
What do you<br>think?<br>> <br>> Marcos<br>><br>> <br>>  --- On Wed 05/02, 
Craig Smith <<br>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ><br>><br>> wrote:<br>> From: Craig Smith 
[mailto:<br>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>> To:<br>> 
qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com<br>> Date:<br>Wed, 2 <br>May 2007 
12:43:03<br>> +0100<br>> Subject: RE: [qmailtoaster] rcpthosts<br>file<br>> 
<br>> It's<br>> probably the client side with the problem.  The<br>><br>ip's in 
the<br>> tcp.smtp<br>file are the ip's outside<br>> the company<br>> 
that you<br>want to allow to relay<br>> mail<br>through your<br>> 
server.<br><br>I'm assuming<br>the<br>> problem is as follows.<br>> 
<br><br>External <br>Client A<br>> from outside has email configured to<br>> 
relay through<br>><br>your<br>server, so in Outlook outgoing smtp server<br>> 
=<br>> your mail<br>server.<br><br>However client a's ip<br>> address is<br>> 
not in tcp.smtp and<br>they are not using<br>> smtp<br>server with<br>> 
authentication.<br><br>I'm<br>not<br>> entirely sure, but I think that's<br>> 
roughly the<br>> problem you<br>are<br>running into.<br><br>do you 
get<br>><br>> the same error when you email<br>from say hotmail? <br>> What 
is<br>> the<br>exact bounce<br>message?<br><br>Also<br>> what do the logs files 
say<br>> at the <br>time mail<br>is<br>> sent?<br><br>tail<br>> 
 -Original<br>><br>Message-----<br>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>><br>> 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br><br>Sent: 02 May 2007<br>><br>> 
11:32<br>To:<br>><br>qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com<br>Subject: <br>><br>> 
RE: [qmailtoaster]<br>rcpthosts file<br><br><br>Hi,  I<br>> have all the<br>> 
company IPs in tcp.smtp<br>and it looks to<br>> work fine but<br>the<br>> 
problem is from <br>outside the<br>> company.  I use authentication<br>> 
for<br>><br>this<br>[EMAIL PROTECTED] user with  <br>><br>> 
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw <br>><br>on<br>/var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run<br>> 
and<br>> /var/qmail/supervise/pop3/run.<br>This user<br>exists<br>> in the<br>> 
vpopmail database so I guess it is<br>there<br>> where the<br>> 
vchkpw<br>program looks when it needs to<br>><br>authenticate a user<br>> 
connecting from<br>> outside.<br>Right? If this is right<br>why I can<br>> 
<br>not<br>> connect yet? Marcos     --- On Wed<br>05/02, Craig<br>><br>Smith 
<<br>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: From: Craig<br>> 
Smith<br>><br>[mailto:<br>[EMAIL PROTECTED] To:<br>><br>> 
qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com<br>Date: Wed, 2<br>> May<br>2007<br>> 
11:08:05 +0100 Subject: RE:<br>><br>[qmailtoaster] rcpthosts file<br>> <br>> 
Hi<br>There,<br><br>Are they by any<br>chance using<br>> your server<br>> as 
the outgoing smtp<br>server? <br>><br>I've<br>had that error crop up,<br>> when 
an unauthorized<br>> user is<br>using<br>our server for<br>the<br>> outgoing 
<br>> server.  They either need to <br>use<br>authenticated<br>><br>> login or 
their<br>ip needs to be added to the<br>><br>tcp.smtp file<br>> if<br>this is 
the case.<br><br><br>><br><br><br>-----Original<br>><br>> 
Message-----<br>From:<br>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>><br>[mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]<br>>m ] <br>Sent: 02 May<br>><br>> 
 <br>br>><br>[qmailtoaster]<br>rcpthosts file<br><br><br>Hello, <br>> I'm 
using<br>> qmail<br>toaster with fedora 6.  I<br>have<br>> configured POP3 
and<br>IMAP<br>> for my<br>company mail<br>> 
server and I'm doing<br>the first tests<br>> right<br>><br>now.<br>When I send 
an email from a company<br>><br>> account<br>with same domain<br>to 
the<br>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>> account I've<br>> created with the<br>> 
same<br>company<br>domain<br>> it receives<br>these emails from POP3<br>> 
account and<br>><br>IMAP<br>account.  When I send an email<br>><br>> 
from<br>[EMAIL PROTECTED], IMAP<br>and POP3, to<br>an<br>> outside email<br>> 
like <br>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>again<br>it<br>> is a success.  The problem<br>> 
starts when I try<br>to<br>> send email <br>from<br>outside to this<br>> [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]<br>> account, IMAP or<br>POP3. I<br><br>> receive<br>> 
the<br>following email in Outlook express<br>> client when<br>trying<br>to<br>> 
send:  'Server<br>Response:<br>> 553, sorry that domain <br>isn't<br>in my<br>> 
list<br>> of<br>allowed rcpthosts<br>(#5.5.3 - chkuser)'<br>> 
The<br>><br>contents of my rcpthosts<br>><br>> 
company.net   I<br>> understand that<br>one can<br>not<br>><br>enter in the 
rcphosts file EVERY<br>> domain in this<br>> world so 
what<br>should<br>be<br>the solution to<br>> this<br>> problem?  Any<br>> 
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