Strange indeed.  There is clearly some breakdown in user creation and
whatever function has replaced the .qmail- files.  Jake or Eric, may be able
to point you in the right direction here.  We have established that your
mail server does actually work.  It is a case of QMT not recognising users
other than postmaster.  Chances are if you change the .qmail-default to |
/home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' [EMAIL PROTECTED] it will work.  But that's
using catchall and doesn't really help. :p
Basically whatever portion of QMT deals with linking email addresses to
qmail users is not working.  On my box, it would mean and incorrect or
missing .qmail file.  What is the newer equivelent of the .qmail files?
That is where your problem lies.
Sorry but as I said I still use the .qmail files so can't really help with


Sent: 04 May 2007 12:49
Subject: RE: [qmailtoaster] Messages from outside

"So the postmaster addresses work fine from the outside? Then it's a case of
the pointers not working. Someone will have to correct me on this as I
still use and only know the .qmail-username method for all addresses. It
changed somewhere along the line and it seems yours isn't working

-->Yes, they worked fine but I don;t use .qmail files for it 

"So in other words when it comes time to deliver mail, it looks for a
referance to the user (on my server for instance it would find .qmail-test)
and process accordingly. I believe at some stage this moved from .qmail
files to mysql. That portion is probably where your problem is, but I don't
use it so I can't help.

Were there any .qmail files listed in /home/vpopmail/domains/ ?
If there is a .qmail-postmaster in there?"

-->The only .qmail file in /home/vpopmail/domains/ was
with contents:
| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

I think we are reaching somewhere now: The postmaster is the only user that
I didn't create with vadduser , it was created with 
vadddomain [EMAIL PROTECTED] password_of_postmaster and it is the only that 
The users I created after that with vadduser are the ones that have problem
in locating the maildir.

Regarding mysql I didn't change anything during the install so I don't know
why is this happenning. I did the standard install with the script that I downloaded from

"Also when you created the .qmail-test file I forgot to mention the
and permissions. Chances are they are currently root.root

If this is the case, chown vpopmail.vchkpw .qmail-test restart qmail and try
sending to test@ again. "

-->Yes, I did chown vpopmail.vchkpw when I created .qmail-test then reboot
but I had the same error.



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