I'm preparing to migrate to a new qmail-toaster box using the QMT-ISO
(great release by the way Jake!). I've set everything up, using a custom
ks.cfg for RAID (never can get RAID to do what I want with the text
based disk utilities...).

I downloaded and ran the qtp-backup script on my original box, editing
the file and putting in my variables as I don't have qtp on this system.
It appears to have tarred everything up just fine and I transferred that
to my new box.

After a bit of wrestling, I think I have everything restoring okay, but
I do notice a few things:

1. admin.pass doesn't come back; the backup created
<date>-qmailadminpasswd.tar.bz2, and qtp-restore is trying to restore
<date>-qmailadminpassword.tar.bz2 - NOTE password versus passwd there. I
don't know if this is a bug in the script you are already aware of, or
if I am using mismatched scripts?

2. is it supposed to clean up after itself once the restore is done? I
have all of the file left over in /root, including the home and var
folders. I'm just wondering if this is normal, and I remove these
myself, or did something else go wonky in the script?


Aaron Spurlock

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