Toni Wijaya wrote:
attachment (jpg file) size less then 1MB.
Then either contact the admin for the server you're sending to, or install recordio and see what's going on:

Change /var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run file, adding recordio line as follows:

exec /usr/bin/softlimit -m 12000000 \
    /usr/bin/tcpserver -v -R -H -l $HOSTNAME -x $TCP_CDB -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
    -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp \
    /usr/bin/recordio \

Stop qmail, start qmail.

Then look at your logs. This will show just about everything you can think of, so you'll want to turn it back off when you're all done.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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