yeah - what those two guys said.
if it aint broke, don't fix it...
i almost thought i was your 'friend'!  :)  i had (before yesterday) exactly
five domains on my server created with vqadmin via admin-toaster.  they all
work find and i have had no issues...  from now on though, i will be using
the cli commands...


From: Dan McAllister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] domains were created w GUI not CLI

First rule of computing... (especially software engineering):

If it works... DON'T try to fix it!

As a former software engineer and manager (spent first 8 years of my career
at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station writing Range Safety real-time missile
tracking code) I can tell you from experience that this is a HARD lesson to

Software updates should be applied ONLY if:
 - You need the new functionality
 - Your old software isn't working
 - You are applying a security patch that fixes a known vulnerability

Software updates should NOT be applied if:
 - The system is working fine as-is
 - The only reason you want to upgrade is to be "at the latest release"

Hence, the reason my high availability servers are still based off of a
Fedora Core 5 install (lots of customization -- but that's where we
started). Could I upgrade to FC6 or Fedora7? Sure... but the "upgrades" are
primarily in the GUI -- which I don't even install on servers! If it ain't
broke (and FC5 is working great for me) then don't fix it!

Just my two-cents worth!


Daniel McAllister, President


2171 Wrens Way

Clearwater, FL 33764

877-IT4SOHO: Toll Free

727-647-7646 In Pinellas

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"When did you do your last backup?"

Ask me about unattended backup solutions...

to protect your business, not just your data!

Jim Shupert, Jr. wrote: 

lets say.... I have a friend -
who build a QmailToaster  and he created his domains NOT with the CLI
// example as understand it
// home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain -q 15000000 newdomain
but rather he... used the GUI
to create his domains ( 5 of them ) 
What might I advise ' my friend' to do... 
come in this weekend and start over?
cross those fingers and hope for the best and watch for...what?  what would
be the problem?
Note ' my firends' email server seems to be operational in all respects and
there is much happness in the kingdom.

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