yes, the new toaster is able to delete messages tagged above a specified mark.
You have two threshold: one for direct deletion and one for subject


On 7/19/07, Ron Horist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello everyone,

It has been a while since I have kept up with the list.  I believe it has
been about a year since I have upgraded my Toaster.

The Spam question I have is, I believe with the version of the toaster I
have spamassassin that it would not delete emails that it found as spam
but would just send them to your inbox with a tag.

Is the new version able to now delete them?  I have a few users that get
alot of spam and I know I could set it up in SquirrelMail or other email
clients to delete them, but wanted it to where the system would delete
them and the user doesn't even see them.


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