Stanley Robins wrote:
same way.. i did a complete reinstall an still had problems.. i rm -rf'd mysql complete with db files and then did a new install and now initially it works.. let me setup domainkeys etc.. will update soon on this.

didnt see any error.. the emails were just getting lost.. no errors in any logs..

Need more info. There's no difference between domains and virtual domains (to a point) in Toaster since it's all mysql based. How did you create the new domains? What are the error messages? Did you setup domainkeys for the new domains? Are the new domains' DNS records setup correctly? What do the logs show?

Did you add the domains via the command line?
Also, would it be possible to make this system clean? Reinstall from the OS up, so no files may be lingering from a mysql-delete the may be causing problems?

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