PakOgah wrote:
PakOgah wrote:
Extract from Securityfocus...


The @Mail dev team have created a module for spamassassin which uses the sa engine to scan the content of PDF attachments and append the spam score
to the score of the email message -- and it WORKS!

installation seems very easy but I miss the requirement pdftotext
do you have it on your qmt?
I dont have it. can I do
yum install xpdf to get pdftotext ?
or is there any binary for centos ? (really hate compiling from source)

for gocr already installed when installing fuzzyocr
Hi Anatoly Alexei Pedemonte Ku,
now pdfassassin installed is installed on my qmt but when I monitor spamd log it display error "Undefined subroutine &Pdf::clean_pdf_tmp called at /etc/mail/spamassassin/ line 122"
if the message has pdf attached
and on /tmp folder I found many 2-3 days old spamassassin.pdf.* files lying there, not deleted by SA
did you experience the same problem ??

any body has use it ?

fyi respond from pdfassassins' author:

Hello PakOgah,

There was a bug in the first version of PDFassassin regarding the clean_pdf_tmp subroutine. This has been fixed. Please re-download from the same location: <>

Best Regards,

Corey Bissaillon
VP Sales & Business Development
CalaCode USA
Direct: 773.451.8334 x102 | FAX: 720.528.8186
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