Todd W wrote:

I need to provide a non minimal service level to verify the big webmail services accept mail as non-bulk.

So far I've only suceeded with AOL. Hotmail, Yahoo, and Google mark the mail as bulk.

Now, I'm only somewhat of a sysadmin but I'm good enough to earn money as one, and I have spent a signifigant amount of time on this task. I have set up SPF and DomainKeys, and double and triple checked them against the various testing tools out on the web. Heck, I can send a mail to yahoo, log in yahoo's webmail, and it says in bold letters, right in the bulk mail box, that "The sender has been verified by domainkeys!" So why is the email in the bulk mail folder?!?

So I've seen that between goodmail and sender score certified, I can buy my way on to a whitelists to deal with this problem. And really, this is where I'm at now. I dont send a lot of mail, so thier low end services arent out of reach if they really provide the service they say they do.

I ask the list: is it possible to get the big webmail providers to not mark the email without bribing them? What are your experiences? I've pretty much read the entire mailing list, and I haven't seen anything that answers my questions so far.

Thank you so much for qmail-toaster it is one awsome setup. Everything is so EASY!



Once, email from my QMT is in Yahoo bulk folder but I forgot what I do.
I never contact Yahoo Admin.
and I dont know if it make sense or not, but did you configure reverse DNS for your mailserver IP?

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