sorry to submit it again,
let me make it short

currently I have a running QT, but I want to separate POP3(MX) and SMTP
for simcontrol reason not roaming / blacklisted users

now I have setup new QT ( for SMTP but I want mobile users who use this new QT can be authenticate. on new QT, I have point out /home/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql to use mysql db on existing QT
# cat /home/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql|0|vpopmail|SsEeCcRrEeTt|vpopmail

and also I have add vpopmail privileges for new QT (
and when I try login as vpopmail to exisiting QT it works
# mysql -u vpopmail -p -h vpopmail
Enter password:

and I am also already add my domain in these control files:

but when I try to use my new QT for smtp, if failed with error
535 authentication failed (#5.7.1)

what else need to configure so my new QT can have smtp-auth using accounts on existing QT?

I hv check below archive, but it seems have no answer too

PakOgah wrote:
Dear list,

because I want to implement
"users can receive JPG but
users can't send JPG" policy

I have installed another qmailtoaster box for smtp server only.
now in this box I hv configure /home/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql
to connect to my existing QT (with domains/users/and vpopmail db)
but I didn't create any domain.

but then when I try to use smtpserver using smtp-auth, its always failed.
I try to login to mysql db on existing QT with username vpopmail, no problem.
so it wasn't about mysql user privelegde.
I try to activate recordio on smtp service and monitor it, nothing weird.

Is there any configuration that I missed so I can't use users' account and
on this new smtpserver for authentication?
I don't want users use my existing QT for smtp because they may can send JPG.

need your advice
thanks in advance


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