Roxanne Sandesara wrote:
Alright. I'm willing to admit that I sometimes run into things that still leave me clueless. No matter how much I think I have learned, I run short. Usually, with some concerted efforts I can find what I need with some web searches. But I haven't been able to find this.

On a standard linux install, spammassassin is the name for the spamd service, and 'service spamassassin restart' will smack things in the rump after I've modified /etc/mail/spammassassin/ to add in some new rules, trying to catch a deluge of spam hitting my users.

Problem: On QMT, apparently this does not work. I can't find anything in our Wiki or FAQ that tells me what commands to issue. So I'm begging for some help. How do I tell QMT to re-initialize Spammassassin with the new rules I've added in I've run --lint to make sure they are properly encoded. Now I just need to make them /run/.

Roxanne (soon to be bald in frustration)

I have a script on my site that allows you some control over the spamd daemon. Look for "control spam daemon" under downloads.

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