Jake Vickers wrote:
PakOgah wrote:
Jake Vickers wrote:
Thanks to Dave MacDonald! He put together a couple VMWare images of the QMT-ISO installation (one for Intel and one for AMD) and I have made them available on the qmtiso.com website. The ZIP files are 557M each. A 80G partition is defined but not allocated. I will be releasing version 1.3.1 of the QMT-ISO sometime next week, mainly including the CentOS updates. I may put a few other tweaks in there, but nothing major at this time. Soon though! I will also be releasing QTP-0.2.13-1.3.16 sometime the week after that if all stays on schedule - sometime this month at the latest. Expect some new enhancements there, as well as some bug fixes.
Hi Jake,
when I using qmtiso 1.2 for offline installation (not connected to internet) qtplus is not installed, I hope for next version it'll be included so it's available when the installation is offline

I can add a check into the installation for that - I never figured on anyone installing a mail server with no Internet access so I neglected to code that in. It just installed the latest version from the website.

if all packages needed for qmtiso available on cd, qmtiso would be perfect for training labs / testing server /1 day workshop or even more include it on book / magazine but if internet connection available at install time, it updates all packages before compiling/installing
just a thought, thank you for considering and adding it

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