Ariel wrote:
buscando por internet me entero que el demonio imapd posee una orden que se llama
Supuestamente limpia las carpetas que se le indique cada cierto tiempo. Lo he puesto pero nunca me eilimina nada.
Alguien sabe si funciona esto en qmailtoaster ?

seria asi

IMAP_EMPTYTRASH Trash:7, Sent:10, etc etc

looking for by Internet I find out to me that the demon imapd has an order that is called
Supposedly it cleans the folders that indicate every certain time to him. I have point it but never me eilimina nothing.
Somebody knows if this in qmailtoaster works?

seria asi

IMAP_EMPTYTRASH Trash:7, Sent:10, etc etc

using thunderbird it works.

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