The new version of Qmailtoaster-Plus (0.2.13-1.3.16) has been released. It's been a while, and I had lost some notes of what all I had done to it, but I'm syncing everything with Tomboy now so that should help me create better docs for you guys in the future.
Anyway, here's the release-notes since the last version:

        - Added a script to put maildrop.log into the logrotate daemon
        - to (hopefully) avoid the 2G problem some people have seen.
        - Freshened the qtp-restore file a little - it now does things
        - like ask for the mysqlroot password instead of needing it
        - hard coded in the file.  It also now backs up the
        - /var/qmail/control files to /root before restoring the backed
        - up copies. The restore script also now tells you that the backup
        - file NEEDS to be in /root to continue. It also warns the user and
        - asks if it should continue, defaulting to NO.
        - Added qmail-clam to control the clamav daemon, added
        - UpdateSaneSecurity to the menu to add additional clamav defs
        - to help fight spam. Some other minor bug fixes and updates.
        - Sorry everyone, but I got wrapped up in some other projects
        - (QMT-ISO being one of them) and forgot to keep notes here, so
        - I'm scrambling some - I'll keep better records in the future.
- The qtp-sa-learn script no has the --no-sync option during the prune process
        - and will now run a --sync when everything has completed.
- Missed some notes, so bear with me. I know in the last version I fixed it - so that the upgrade script puts the packages in the correct order to be - installed to fix a dependency bug. Lucian Cristian did some updating to - the qtp-build-sandbox script to fix a few errors (linking breaking,
        - linking that was not needed, etc.)
- dnk made a couple fixes to the qtp-restore script to fix a few bugs - and allow it to download the queue-repair tool if it's not available
        - locally.
- Added error checking to the qtp-install-roundcube file to make sure
        -  that apache is restarting correctly after modifying the php.ini
        -  file.
        - Added a check in qtp-sa-update to remove
        -  /etc/mail/spamassassin/RulesduJour if it exists. Also added a
- spamassassin --lint and a spamd restart at the end. Refactored the
        -  creation of the cron to be compliant with the rest of QTP.
        -  Added a --lint and spamd restart at the end of the cron.
        - Added qtp-clean-trash to the menu, which will install a cron to
        -  delete messages in a user's Trash folder that are more than 5
        -  days old. This behavior can be changed by modifying a variable
        -  in the qtp-clean-trash file in /etc/cron.hourly.

As always, the latest version is available here:


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