Aaron Spurlock wrote:
Okay, now this doesn't make sense to me...I took a generic CentOS4.4 ServerCD 
and put a ks.cfg on it. Granted, it was a pretty generic ks.cfg. I then booted 
and issued the command:

linux text ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg dd updates noapic acpi=off skipddc

to try to be compatible with the QMTISO command. I had my modified dell driver 
disk in, so it prompted for the driver disk, prompted for updates, started the 
kickstart install, prompted for network info (courtesy the modified 
kickstart.py file), rebooted....and NO KUDZU...

Any idea what about the QMTISO CD could be causing Kudzu to come up and ask me 
to configure my NIC when the same basic process on a Cent44 Server CD doesn't? 
I guess my next test is to try the actual QMT-ISO ks.cfg file (minus to post 
stuff) and see what that does. Could it be the post stuff that is causing it?

Not really sure there. I've made so many changes to the QMT-ISO it's hard to say where something like that got changed. When you did the regular install, was kudzu installed? If so, was it turned on?
It'll be something I look into if the above is true.

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