Hello all,


I have been fighting a problem with yahoo in that they are deferring all of
my mail.  Of course I have gone and filled out all of their forms and such
but I just cannot seem to figure out what is going on and they for sure are
not getting back to me.  Anyways I think I have narrowed it down to be that
it is a domain keys problem and that is why they are blocking me.  Does
anyone have any kind of an idea as to what I can do to start to get my
emails flowing back to them?


Thanks for your help




Here is the error messages I keep getting:


Connected to but greeting failed.
Remote host said: 421 Message from ( temporarily deferred -

Connected to but greeting failed.
Remote host said: 421 Message from ( temporarily deferred -

ly deferred" or "421 Message from x.x.x.x temporarily deferred"
errors when sending mail to Yahoo!?

If you are seeing the error code "421 Message from x.x.x.x temporarily 
deferred" or "451 Message temporarily deferred" in your SMTP logs, this 
indicates that the message you attempted to send was not accepted at 
Yahoo!. It is not a permanent error; your system will automatically 
re-try later.

If you are seeing this same error consistently over an extended period 
of time, and you feel that your policies and practices comply with our 
guidelines (described below), we would encourage you to contact us with 
detailed information so that we can help diagnose your problem.

For bulk mailers, please visit this page 
review our best practice recommendations and, if appropriate, request 

If your mail server does not primarily send bulk mailings (e.g., you run 
a personal, corporate, educational, or ISP mail server), please fill out 
this form instead.

If you are not the administrator of the mail server in question, please 
contact the administrator directly with the error message you are receiving.

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