But this was not "a while".  This was all incoming email.


On Nov 13, 2007 10:29 AM, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Warren Melnick wrote:
> > It took changing this:
> >
> :allow,BADMIMETYPE="",BADLOADERTYPE="M",CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT="50",CHKUSER_WRONGRCPTLIMIT="10",QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/simscan",DKSIGN="/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/private",NOP0FCHECK="1"
> >
> >
> > to this:
> >
> :allow,BADMIMETYPE="",BADLOADERTYPE="M",CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT="50",CHKUSER_WRONGRCPTLIMIT="10",DKSIGN="/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/private"
> >
> > in tcp.smtp .
> Doesn't that skip the spam/clam checking on the messages? That would
> solve it - if clam is taking a while rebuilding the DB or whatever it is
> that it is doing, you'd be skipping it anyway and just doing a delivery.

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