
thank you for posting this idea. I also would like to join the development 
process. I have much experience with xhtml/css designs which Ajax on some 
places. Additionally I'm working for several years on accessibility issues on 
websites - which is not only usefull for people with special needs but also for 
devices like mobile phones etc.


Jean-Paul van de Plasse schrieb:
Hi List,
It has been my plan for some time to get a smooth working and looking webinterface for qmailtoaster. Not to brag, but I have the programming skills (php/c/c++) and I also would not mind hiring a designer to make the designs. The only 2 problems I have had so far that stopped me from starting are time and input.. The first one is not going to change in the near future, but somewhere down the line there always can be found some time.. Concerning the second I would like your input, what are the things people want to see in such an interface..
And are there other people capable and willing to invest some time in this?
Honestly I rather see the energy that goes wasted into the thread about Mike's remarks about qmt invested in a thread about functionality and ideas how we can make the missing part of qmt.. I think it would at least need the following - management tool for the administrator, to administer domains and settings of qmt
- a qmailadmin replacement that works more logical
- both with a neat looking design and easy to give your own look and feel (that is not overwritten on every update). Regards, JP


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