On Feb 20, 2008 12:38 PM, Sergio Minini {NETKEY} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Natalio,
> Where can I find this tcprules file?

After modifying it, you have to run "service qmail cdb".
You can also control some other paremeters (such as relaying, rbls,
domainkeys, etc.) per IP.

> > > And how about limiting the number of recipients for each
> > message? What
> > > is less hard on the server: sending a mail to 50 rcpts or 5
> > mails to
> > > 10 each?
> >
> > You can control it modifying chkuser settings in tcprules
> > file. There you have:
> > CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT: max number of recipients accepted
> > CHKUSER_WRONGRCPTLIMIT: max number of WRONG recipients accepted
> >



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