I am newbie admin of a small business and recently I decided to create a in-house email server using QMT. I already set it up and it was working properly locally and it can send emails outside too. I have two LAN cards available in the machine but when I first setup the mail server I just assigned one local IP address (because I still don't have the static IP then) and just used existing DNS that we have. Now I have the static IP available and I would need to assign the new IP to the other LAN card (Internet) and allow only incoming smtp/pop connections to the mail server. Can anyone help me get a detailed document or site that can help me understand how to do it, secure it and manage it? I don't want our mail server to be available today and tomorrow it was already hacked.

I am using CentOS 5.0 and latest packages of QMT.

Thank you for the help.

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