PakOgah wrote:
> when I install qmailtoaster on centos4 (using howto on wiki)
> I found out that spamassassin and simscan not installed.
> spamassassin not installed because required perl module not there
> and simscan not installed because there is no spamassassin :)
> manually install spamassassin
> #   rpmbuild --rebuild --with cnt40 spamassassin-toaster-*.src.rpm
> gave me error
> REQUIRED module out of date: HTML::Parser
> optional module missing: Mail::SPF
> optional module missing: Mail::SPF::Query
> optional module missing: IP::Country
> optional module missing: Razor2
> optional module missing: Net::Ident
> optional module missing: IO::Socket::INET6
> optional module missing: IO::Socket::SSL
> optional module missing: Compress::Zlib
> optional module missing: Mail::DKIM
> optional module missing: Encode::Detect
> so I add those missing perl module in
> to look like this
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> # Install common perl modules used by
> # spamassassin-toaster
> #
> # Nick Hemmesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # <>
> # May 31, 2006
> #
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install MIME::Base64;'
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install DB_File;'
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install Net::DNS;'
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install Net::SMTP;'
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install Mail::SPF::Query;'
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install Time::HiRes;'
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install Mail::DomainKeys;'
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install IO::Zlib;'
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install Archive::Tar;'
> # updated March 14,2008
> # additional required perl module (must install)
> perl -e 'use CPAN; install HTML::Parser;'
> # optional perl modules
> # WARNING it could took long to install these modules
> #perl -e 'use CPAN; install Mail::SPF;'
> #perl -e 'use CPAN; install IP::Country;'
> #perl -e 'use CPAN; install Mail::DKIM;'
> ## failed to install perl modules on my box
> ## perhaps they will install on your box
> ##perl -e 'use CPAN; install Net::Ident;'
> ##perl -e 'use CPAN; install IO::Socket::INET6;'
> ##perl -e 'use CPAN; install IO::Socket::SSL;'
> ##perl -e 'use CPAN; install Compress::Zlib;'
> ##perl -e 'use CPAN; install Encode::Detect;'
> ### end of script ###
> for the optional modules you can enabled them by unmark the lines but
> WARNING it took hour to install on my box
> (sorry for not on T1 connection)
> and for Razor2, Net::Ident, IO::Socket::INET6, IO::Socket::SSL,
> Compress::Zlib, and  Encode::Detect were not added to script due to perl
> CPAN unable to install them on my box
> (well they all optional so I dont have to worry)
> if you want to install razor2 visit
> hope this help someone who had the same problem

Thanks for this useful post PakOgah. I'm sure that it will be of help so
some newbies out there.

A bit simpler way is to use the rpmforge yum repository to obtain the
required perl packages.

1) install the appropriate rpmforge-release package from e.g.:
# rpm -ivh
Be sure to use the right rpm for your distro version.

2) you can then use yum to install/update the required perl packages, e.g.:
# yum update "perl-*"
# yum install perl-Mail-SPF

Would someone please care to add all of this useful information to the wiki?

-Eric 'shubes'

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