Is Spamdyke the direction QMT is headed?  Is it better than Spamassasin?  

Should Spamassasin be removed before installing spamdyke?

-----Original message-----
From: Eric Shubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:58:57 -0400
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] greylisting

> My (Alan) Nguyen wrote:
> > I’m setting up greylisting on my server right now and while reading over
> > the instructions it appears to be easy to set up,  but there doesn’t
> > appear to be any details as to how to fine tune greylisting. If say your
> > qmail server is blocking a specific site or domain and you want to allow
> > it because it isn’t a spammer.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Anybody have any idea’s or input on this since the manuals really don’t
> > have anything on fine tuning it?
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > **Thanks,**
> > 
> > **My**** (Alan) Nguyen**
> > 
> Which instructions?
> I would recommend implementing spamdyke, as it includes greylisting (among
> other things), and it will likely be included in the stock v1.4 toaster. I'm
> sure that Sam (spamdyke's author) will be helpful in getting it to work in
> your environment.
> -- 
> -Eric 'shubes'
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