cas wrote:
> Hello,
> I did a 'yum update qmailtoaster-plus' a minute ago, but it seems that
> clamav hasn't been updated to 0.93.
> When I run 'qtp-menu' I can see the new spamdyke and gnome scripts, so
> it has done something?
> Did I do something wrong?

You need to run qtp-newmodel after upgrading qmailtoaster-plus in order to
update other *-toaster packages (including clamav-toaster).

> Thanks,
> Cas
> BTW Just 2 days ago I installed the repositories and installed
> qtp-newmodel, worked like a charm on Centos 5 (x86_64). Great work!

Thanks. You're welcome. ;)

-Eric 'shubes'

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