Eric Shubert wrote:
Tom Manliclic wrote:

When running sa-stats I'm getting this

Illegal division by zero at /usr/sbin/sa-stats line 291.

Does this tells me something is wrong with my installation? How can I
fix this?
How can I be sure that SA is doing its job?

Thank you very much.

Looks like a bug in the script to me. Happens when there's 0 spam in the log
(hence division by zero). The script should undoubtedly check for that. It
might be indicative that SA isn't functioning properly, but not necessarily
(especially if it's only been run for a brief period of time).

You can be sure that SA is running properly by monitoring the spamd log, and
checking some message headers for the X-Spam-* lines.

It has to do with the way the logs are stored with QMT if I remember right. Running the "stock" sa-stats file (not the one bundled with QTP which is fixed, but one bundled with Spamassassin) causes this I believe.

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