Çrş, 2008-05-07 tarihinde 11:18 -0700 saatinde, dnk yazdı:
> Hello all,
> I have had a bunch of toasters running along just great.
> I have built a new one, and installed the recent qtp. Love it.
> Spamdyke is a breeze to throw in now.
> What I am wondering, is with spamdyke installed, how does that effect
> the other programs that are in the qtp-menu? IE the blacklists, etc.
> Are they essentially useless (once spamdyke is installed) since the
> install disables the RBL's and such in the run file? OR are they still
> of use?

check /etc/spamdyke/ directrory.. rbl is already anabled in conf file..
most impoartant point of spamdyke, is if user auth trou smtp it wont
check anything (rbl rDNS etc..). 

> Also, curious how other users have found the roundcube mail on the toaster?
> Thanks!

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