Glen Vickers wrote:
> Actually I think I have an idea of what's  
> going on.  I have a list of my domains in teh rcpthosts config. I have  
> it set with wildcards to my domains.  If I set it to accept all  
> domains.... it works, however doesn't that create an open relay?  If  
> so then disabling that rcpthosts file is out of the question. the domains I
> have in there are
> localhost
> Servername
> I also noticed in my locals that I didn't have all my domains in there so I
> added them as well.  same result however... So i'm thinking that its the
> rcpthosts file.  Is there something I can do that won't make an open relay
> but will at least accept email from the outside world?
> Glen

Have these domains ever successfully received mail from outside?
Did you use vqadmin to create the domains?

-Eric 'shubes'

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