On Fri, 2008-05-30 at 21:02 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> As I was looking for a reason on why email is suddenly taking several minutes 
> for delivery, I saw this in the logging window;
> 2008-05-30 20:53:23.753182500 simscan:[5589]:CLEAN 
> (0.10/12.00):352.9836s:sdc:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:mike@
> logicore.net:
> 2008-05-30 20:53:25.045171500 simscan:[5492]:CLEAN 
> (1.30/12.00):816.6686s:carpal prolong labor, cause other problems
>  during delivery, or cause:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Minutes later, this email came in. It has the same subject as the error 
> message in the logging window? Was the subject a qmail error or just the 
> spammers subject?

This was not the error message, but the headers from that email; look in
the other logs at that time (2008-05-30 20:53:25), is clamav rereading
its database? CLEAN (1.30/12.00):816.6686s is very long time to scan a


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